Agriculture Pathway


Intro to the Science of Agriculture


Course Description: The local, national, and global definitions, history, and scope of agriculture in society is covered in this course. It also covers plant and animal sciences, production and processing; agricultural mechanics, including tool and machine operation; business and natural resource management; management of food and fiber systems; soil characteristics, formation and properties; and development of leadership and communication skills.

1 year, 1 elective credit  Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisites: None



Course Description:10 - 12 - The focus of this course is on the science of plants (botany). Specific topics include photosynthesis and respiration, analysis of the difference of plant and animal cell structure, genetics, taxonomy and classification. Also included are topics covering entomology, soil chemistry, and plant diseases; virus and bacteria life cycles and effects on plant growth. Focus is on horticultural crops including greenhouse, landscape and floral plants.

1 year, 1 elective credit  Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite- Intro to the Science of Agriculture

Science of Large Agriculture Animals


Course Description: The course imparts information about the care and management of domesticated animals. Animal nutrition, health, reproduction, genetics, facilities, and marketing, and studying the anatomy and physiology of livestock and other domestic animals. Examination of developmental stages and analysis of feed ratio for different parts of an animal's life cycle. Identifying environmental factors that affect an animal's performance and recognizing animal behaviors to facilitate working with animals safely. This course may include dairy cattle and equine.

1 year, 1 elective credit  Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisites: Intro to the Science of Agriculture

Agricultural Leadership/Communication


Course Description: Agriculture Leadership prepares students to work with people involved in agriculture and life sciences. The class emphasizes the development of leadership capabilities, communication skills, and broad preparation in life sciences. The curriculum in agricultural leadership is multidisciplinary, designed to develop students for leadership positions in local, state, regional and national organizations and agencies involved in the agriculture industry.

1 year, 1 elective credit  Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisites: Intro to the Science of Agriculture