Information Technology Pathway

STEM Pathway

General Computer Applications 


Course Description: In Computer Applications,  the emphasis is on the mastery of advanced computer usage techniques for post high school education and career enhancement.  Topics include: language scripting, advanced telecommunications with national and international access, the consolidation of word processing, database and spreadsheet skills into report production, advanced computer graphic manipulation, desktop integration for industry publication, beginning multi-platform network information management, and multimedia presentations.

1 year, 1 elective credit.  Grade 9, 10,11,12

Prerequisites: None

Computer Graphics 


Course Description: In Computer Graphics, the student learns a new medium with which to create art. The Student learns the basics of visual design elements and principles, learns to use the computer as a visual design medium, and develops skill, confidence, and sensitivity in applying knowledge of art media and techniques to the production of artwork.  The student receives training in an industry standard bitmap graphics program (e.g., Adobe Photoshop) in addition to a vector-based (e.g., Illustrator, Blendr, and Maya) graphics program. The production of computer art is applied to various other content areas and acquired skills are related to careers in art and other fields that now require computer graphics capabilities. Areas of study are visual design, conventions and history, technical literacy, visual communication, career awareness, and preparation of work for public display.

1 year, 1 elective credit.  Grade 10,11,12

Prerequisites: Computer Applications

AP Computer Science Principles  


Course Description: AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, this course prepares students for college and career. It is intended to prepare students for the optional Advanced Placement Exam in this subject and should follow the published College Board guidelines.

1 year, 1 elective credit.  Grade 10,11,12

Prerequisites: none