The Grants Cibola County School district would like to congratulate the GHS MESA team, Lukas Colburn, Joseph Martinez, Ryan Tortalita, Gary Chavez, Joaquin Longoria, Clemente Garcia, Gabriel Garcia, Andrew Rodriguez, Julian Padilla, and Lorenzo Sanchez for winning the statewide NM Governor's STEM Challenge competition. On December 2nd and 3rd, they presented their project, "Improvised Arduino-Based Mutarium: A Conditioned Environment in Growing Spores of Pestalotiopsis Microspora (ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS) that Degrade Polyurethanes" at NMSU in Las Cruces. As a result, the Sandia National Laboratories sponsored the students with $5,000. The students were then invited to tour multiple companies that sponsored the competition. A GHS student recently posted, "Thank you Mr. Cabiling. I'm so happy I joined MESA. It's really helped me out with what I want to do with my future and where I want to go, and I appreciate how supportive you are as our coach and our teacher. I speak for all of us when I say, "You really are inspiring and are the best teacher ever!"