Attention GCCS Community: Please see the photo below and see if this is something you would like to take advantage of! It's a great opportunity!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Developmental Screening
Good Monday Everyone - Just wanted to remind you all that we will be available to assist you with your ParentVue Account Activation in Person!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
PVUE Assistance
Next School Board Meeting Schedule
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
School Board Meeting
ATTENTION GCCS COMMUNITY! We are here to help! Please call us today to setup your new Synergy Parent Vue Account!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Attn GCCS Community - If you are in need of assistance setting up your Parent VUE Account please join us at Grants High School on Monday, August 29th from 5-7 p.m. or at Laguna Acoma High School on Wednesday, August 31st from 5-7 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Open House
We've made it through the 1st full week of the new School Year so we want to see all of your 1st day pictures!!! Slam them in the comments with their names, grades and school they attend so we can all see them!!! Have a Great School Year!!!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
1st day of school
Attention GCCS Community – At approximately 1:00 pm today, we were made aware of a threat on Social Media regarding a student threatening another with a firearm. The GCCS security personal and Grants Police Department responded immediately. The school was sheltered in place and the individual making the threat was detained. An “All Clear” was pronounced at approximately 1:15 pm and the school has resumed normal operation.
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
School Board Vacancy
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!!!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
GCCS Community - As we expected, with such a big transition in some of our Educational Platforms, We and You have experienced some difficulties throughout the process. We understand your frustrations and are working hard to help everyone with their needs and questions. We want to say thanks for your continued patience and understanding as we overcome the hurdles in front of us. Please continue to reach out and we will continue to do our best to help, answer or address your questions and concerns. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Thank You
Parking Information Updated link: Course Change Request Forms are on the school website (Look at the top of the page) To access the forms, students will need to log in to Google Chrome with their school email.
over 2 years ago, Grants High School
Grants High School
Here is some important information for the first day of school. 1st Bell rings at 7:51 am- Tardy Bell at 7:55 am All students must report to the classes that are on their schedule! Students requesting a schedule change must fill out the Schedule Change Request Form. Links to the form are on the school webpage https://grants-high.gccs.k12.n... (look at the top of the page.) Students that are missing a class should report to the cafeteria. Student Success Advisors will call students in for schedule changes. Please be patient while we work through this process. Students and Parents are also reminded that Hats are not allowed in the building. Students will receive a student handbook with updated attendance, tardy, and dress code policies. Updated parking information will be available on the school web page later today.​ It's a great day to be a Pirate!!! Every Assignment, Every Class, Every Day!
over 2 years ago, Grants High School
Grants High School
To all GCCS Teachers!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Superintendent Meeting with Teachers
Attn GCCS Community: We understand that many of you are in the process of creating your PVUE accounts and we are doing our best to keep up with your calls for assistance. We appreciate your patience as we work through this process. Thanks and have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
ringing phone
Attention GCCS Community. If you are needing to request Bus Service for the fall, you can visit to register or you can scan the QR Code to begin the process. Thank you and have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Bus Reg QR Code
The SSA's and GHS Administration are working to complete the transition from Powerschool to Synergy. Student schedules will NOT be finalized until next week. Go to for information about orientation and schedule pick up times and locations.
over 2 years ago, Grants High School
The 2022-23 School Year is fast approaching. The GHS Administration and Staff are working hard to be ready for the new school year. 2022-23 will bring some exciting new activities and programs to GHS while we continue our tradition of being "The Home of Scholars and Champions!" Orientation and schedule distribution will be at the following times: Seniors- Tuesday, August 9th- 8:30 am Juniors- Tuesday, August 9th- 10:00 am Sophomores- Tuesday, August 9th- 1:00 pm Freshman- Wednesday, August 10th- 1:00 pm Orientation meetings will be held in the Auditorium at the times listed above. Attendance at orientation is required. Students must bring a parent with them to receive their schedules. During the orientation students and parents will learn more about the new Synergy Gradebook system and how to access it as well as other important policies and procedures for the upcoming school year. More details and updates about GHS Orientation and schedule distribution will be posted on the GHS Website.
over 2 years ago, William Griner
GHS Logo
Attn GCCS Community! Online Registration begins on Monday, July 25. Once it is open, we ask that you review our website for details on the process. You can start here to review enrollment requirements and then move to to create your ParentVue account by downloading the available pdf and follow the instructions provided. Once your PVUE account is created you can then move on to to begin your student enrollment. Should you have any issues or questions, please reach out to your child's school for assistance. Please understand that this process is not only new to you but to our staff as well. So thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. Have a Great Weekend!
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
OLR Cover Page
Hello GCCS Community. We know that everyone is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to begin enrolling your students for the coming school year. Well rest assured that your time is coming. We will begin Online Registration/Enrollment on Monday, July 25th. We are working diligently to ensure the platform is up and running for you. Please follow us for more information in the coming days. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we transition to a new Platform called SYNERGY.
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
over 2 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
No School Supply List