Hey everyone! You can now follow Grants Cibola County Schools on Twitter! Go on over and give us a follow!
The Grants High School Veterans Day Tribute will be on Wednesday, November 10th at 7 pm at the Performing Arts Center. Admission will be free and the public is invited to attend. The concert will feature performances by the Grants High School Band and Choir. The Mt. Taylor Quilt Guild will honor five of our local veterans with handmade quilts. If you would to share a picture of your veteran, email it to william.griner@gccs.k12.nm.us.
Scheduled School Board Meeting.
Important Election Information for your review. Election day is November 2, 2021.
TONIGHT! Get to "The Port" for a HUGE District volleyball battle between Grants and St. Pius...this game has District-title and State Tournament implications, so you do NOT want to miss it!
Grants High School will be presenting its annual Veterans Day Tribute- Honoring All Who Served on Wednesday, November 10th at 7 pm at the Performing Arts Center. Admission will be free and everyone is invited to attend.
Each year during the concert, we share pictures of our Veterans from Cibola County. If you are a veteran or if you have a family member that you would like to honor, please share their picture with us. You can share pictures by going to https://grants-high.gccs.k12.nm.us/ or you email them directly to william.griner@gccs.k12.nm.us. If you have submitted a picture in the past, we still have them and will be sharing them during the concert. (Our collection now has nearly 250 pictures!)
Here is a link to our newest video on the Angry Jack Channel: https://youtu.be/RtjkIlOKmfU
We look forward to seeing you on November 10th!
Help us congratulate the EWS staff and the 110 students at Grants High School that were rewarded today for OUTSTANDING attendance in the 1st Quarter! Way to go all!!! We are vey proud of your dedication and commitment!
Grants Cibola County Schools want to send out a big THANK YOU to our local Pizza 9 and their staff for providing Pizza Coupons to all of our students!! You all at Pizza 9 are simply AWESOME!!!!
Please review the very important Election Information Below
Grants Cibola County Schools Public Notice for School Board Meeting.
Grants High School Fall Performing Arts Spectacular is tonight at 7 pm at the GHS Performing Arts Center. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Everyone is encouraged to purchase tickets in advance using this link: https://secure.payk12.com/school/Grants-High-School/697/item/207858
If you are purchasing tickets at the door, please bring EXACT change or plan to use your debit card. We look forward to seeing you tonight!
Hey everybody, if you plan on attending the football game between Laguna Acoma High School and Grants High School on 10/12/2021, please see the attached letter.
Tomorrow night is the Grants High School Performing Arts Spectacular. The best way to purchase your tickets is online at https://secure.payk12.com/school/Grants-High-School/697
This will help you avoid the lines.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
To all GCCS Staff.
Enjoy your Long Weekend and Come Back Ready to be Great as Always!!!
Parents, there will be no school on Monday, October 11 in observation of Indigenous Peoples Day.
Grants High School will hold its Fall Performing Arts Spectacular on Wednesday, October 13th at 7 pm at the Performing Arts Center. The evening will feature performances by the GHS Jazz Band, the Grants High School Choir, GHS Advanced Drama, and the Pirate Marching Band. Admission for the show will be $5 and tickets can be purchased online at https://secure.payk12.com/.../Grants-High.../697/2939/14057
On the night of the Concert the doors will open at 6:30 pm. Please join us for the exciting return of Performing Arts at Grants High School.
Anchors Club Blood Drive
Thursday, October 7th
8:30 am -12:30 pm
New Gym Lobby
See Mrs. Gallegos for more information.
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the information attached and get out and vote on November 2nd.
We would like to send out a HUGE Thanks to all of our GCCS Staff and Especially our Teachers! You all work so hard and do a Great Job for all of our students and our community! We would not be where we are without every one of you! Keep the good work and just know that you are appreciated!!!